Water Lilies

Water Lilies
SPring is around the corner


The weather has been beautiful this week. Is winter starting to break? Or is another blizzard on the way.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blue hills

Blue hills
Originally uploaded by reneepoynter
Whoppee I did it!! Wasn't hard just had to take the time to look around and read the directions a few times. I heard the radio say read feeder and I thought OMG I know what that is. It's nice to be up to date on some things.


  1. The social networking was the easiest todo because I have had a Facebook account for a while now and knew my way around pretty well.

  2. The other day I was in the car listening to the radio and the announcer said FEED READER. The words popped out at me and I thought OMG! I know what he's talking about. It was nice to be "up to date" as it were.
